imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorryimsoryrIMSORRY IM SORRY WHA TDO YOUW ANT FROM ME WHY? WHY- WHY- WHY? WHY ANY OF THIS? WHY AM I THE ONE WHOS LIFE HAS SO MANY FUCKIGN STRINGSD ATTACEHED>>? WHO EVEN HAS THE FUCKING STRINGS? i dont GEt IT idk what to do imfuckifgn im tired im so fucking tired b ut i cant slepe i dont wnna sleep whenever im falling asleep it feels mylike bodies burnign away int o fuzzy static asn i cant i cant i cant please say this sia ll just a nother nightmare please pleas eplase i want out i want out iwasTout otu tpout out out out pLEWASE

im sorry pretend i didnt say any of that im sorry fuckc im sdorry im just sEF>D>..

no fuck it im not okay ims orry for fdumping all thsi here but im nto okay 9i know its selfisdh im sorry i hate that fuckiign brunign feekigsn it severwyhwere all the time its always like my cheas dt and my arms and evcerywhere but like im so fucxking tired i just wanna sleep but i dont i dont i DONT bevcause whenever i do it jsut. i fuc i fuckiugn feek liek my bodsyu burnignup and awwy in fuzzy fkign statinc ansd its all so sharp and painful like pinsa nd needles but worese and fuzzy and then if i dont joilt awake and start panicking wits just nightmare after nightmare and i cant i cant slep i cant do it im so tired i just wanna sleep for once in my life but it terrifesxi be it scsaares the lfie out of me and it feels like im fucking dying and i ahte it i cant i cant i cant it sfucking i cant i chate oi cUAIDG IC ANT i just weanna slepe but im so im so scasred im ujst gonna die because it feels like im gonna die and i cant i cnt i cant handleit its os i cnt I CANT pLEASe just let me bE i dont i dont wnana think baout the jnightmares but its important its imporaten to note down befcaaaause i wanan get better im not okay imnot okayimnotokayimnotokimnotokonitm IM NTO OKAy i just weanna be fucking oakay the memoreis are all fuzzy its i know it sounds clcihe and shit but fuck it it loiterally feels like static fuzz cllio9du fog whatevr i dont wannthink about it but its like. its lkike uh its like i dotnknwo idontknwoidontkwnowidkdidkdikdidkI DOTRN FUCKIGNKNWo i dotnw ananr ememebr them but iw na stopo them pelase can something stop them it so fucking apinful it all burns its all stacity i hate it ihate it hatie it sall fuckign I HAET i HATE I TI CANT I CANT ICA NT

please ignore this part i jsut,, i neda pout it somewher oim sorry

.ds.gjdd i dont wanan sayt hius but um.. i scratch and bite mkyself hwen im stresed and its scasry its the onyl way i can cope to do some kind of damge that leavesx no evidence behind because i odnt want people to know because if they know if they know ill just get idk idk idk idk idk what theyll do idk but i dont i dont wanna fin d out but it burns it burns i hat eit it reminds me of it but i dont know idontknow hwo else toi cope id ont know wah tto do if you decied to read anyway pleas eplase help pleas eh i deont i dont help pelas ei dont knwo waht to do i jjsut wanna ebb okayu i hate mysefl for saying this for doing this for doign it id otnwanan be ehre anymore i cjust wanna skip forqard in time plase just let it all be okaya gain i awnt things to be simkpel again please pleas eplseodg PWEASLE

im imsorry im so fucking sorry someone please just jjsut cut the strijngs pleas eic ant tale this an ywmroe